
Helathy Foot Spa Review – Is it Any Good?

When I started working out, one of my friends asked me about HELATHY FOOD, which was a protein bar he had seen in an ad. The ad had him and other fitness buffs talking about the power of this new product. I’m not a health buff, so I didn’t have much to go on, but I figured it would be good to give it a shot. I’d read that the bar supposedly has some sort of high protein content, which would explain the high energy it gives the body. So I got some HELATHY FOOD for myself to see what all the hype was about.

It looks like a healthy food bar to me. It has a blue color to it that I can’t identify, but it’s close enough to identify it as food. Then again, maybe it’s just a marketing ploy to get people to buy into the HELATHY FOOD concept and use the foot spa machine. Either way, I gave it a try and I’ll give you my experience after.

I gave it a go to test how good it was. I’d read that it uses a patented pump that gives the ingredients a good mix without all of the extra junk. I guess I was curious to see how that would work and whether the pump and the ingredients were effective.

To start with, the pump doesn’t work very well. It only moves around an inch or two at a time and then stops. I suppose if it was effective it would move a lot faster and with a better speed. So in short, not very effective.

The foot spa machine itself isn’t too bad either. I’ve seen them in other health clubs and they look fairly decent. I can only think that the company might be saving money by not using regular sponges on their customers’ feet. They do have some great pictures though so I’m at least seeing something that looks like it could be effective. As I mentioned before, the pump probably won’t be able to move a lot.

Overall, this is a good machine. It’s not ideal but it will give you a nice massage and you’re not really going to feel anything else. It’s not going to cure sore feet. However, if you want to pamper yourself then this is probably good enough for you. My advice is to buy a Helathy foot spa and try it out for a few weeks. If it works for you, then great, if not then don’t worry, there are plenty more models available!