

LIFESTYLE refers to an imaginary friend or role model. In its most common usage, the word LIFESTYLE is used to refer to a female role model, usually a princess. In the more scientific definition, however, the word LIFESTYLE is used to refer to a society, culture, or individual. The word was first introduced by Austrian psychiatrist Alfred Adler in his popular book, The Case of Miss R, with the implied meaning of “a primitive, instinctive, independent, and self-regulating force”.

According to Adler, the LIFESTYLE concept has a number of characteristics, including the need to experience positive and negative experiences in order to maintain healthy human behaviors. For an example, a person who believes that love is a lack of judgment or a deficiency of ego will be unable to attract or have a successful relationship, and may even feel inadequate and unloved. Another characteristic of a healthy LIFESTYLE is having a balanced life. A person who values and respects his/her strengths will be unlikely to suppress or compromise those strengths for the sake of others’ needs. A balanced life also means being committed to a meaningful relationship, which requires sharing power and responsibility.

Adler believed that there are five basic, essential LIFESTYLE attitudes that govern a person’s personal identity and personal happiness. These are self-esteem, freedom, respect, competence, and spirituality. These attitudes are the foundation of a healthy LIFESTYLE.

LIFESTYLE attitudes also support LIFETIME goals, such as personal growth, family responsibilities, career, spiritual development, and physical health. When these LIFESTYLE attitudes are strong, a person will find it easier to balance his or her lifestyle and LIFETIME habits. The five aspects of a healthy lifestyle–freedom from judgment, self-respect, competence, and spirituality–are important aspects of a person’s LIFESTYLE.

Most of the books on the importance of LIFESTYLE attitudes focus on how one’s LIFESTYLE affects other aspects of his or her life, but little attention is given to the ways in which these LIFESTYLE attitudes affect one’s personal identity. The fact is that all of us live a lifestyle that is a reflection of our attitudes and perceptions. Therefore, it is easy to forget about our LIFESTYLE when we are focused on our individual LIFESTYLE, but the important thing is that we do. Our lifestyles and LIFESTYLE attitudes are the foundation of who we are as individuals, and these influences our behavior and LIFESTYLE attitudes in every aspect of our lives, including family, friends, work, and religion.

The view that there is a contradiction between LIFESTYLE and de vie is mistaken. It is true that de vie is a search for an ideal life style that makes people feel at ease. But LIFESTYLE is a way of looking at one’s own life style and personal identity and deciding whether it corresponds with what is most ideal. When a person comes to the decision that he wants to live a LIFESTYLE life style, the person has established a set of values and attitudes that will guide his choices in all aspects of his life.